As many of you may know, Casey and Sydney were both born on the same day... Exactly two years apart. Today we celebrated Casey's 3rd birthday and Sydney's 1st birthday. It was a beautiful day, and we had a great turnout. Friends, family, a taco caterer and a balloon artist all helped us celebrate. Props to Mommy who did a wonderful job preparing. And a special thanks to cousin Ashley who spent a week with us, helping out. Without them, the party would not have happened.
Casey was aware of an impending birthday party. A week earlier, he attended a birthday party for his friend Allison. He came home and said, "My party is next". During the week immediately preceeding the big day, Casey would say, "My birthday party." I had to keep telling him, "Not today baby, but soon". Finally the special day came.
Casey had a blast. Lots of his friends showed up; he splashed around in the pool and played lots of chase with the other young fellas.
Casey watching Ben the Balloon artist make his Seahorse balloon sculpture.

Casey and Cassandra splashing in the pool.

Casey huffing and puffing and blowing his candles out.

Casey obliging Daddy's request for a kiss.

Casey posing with his personal birthday cake.

Casey isn't too messy!