Monday, December 26, 2016

Halloween 2016

Wow, these years are flying by. A couple months ago, we celebrated yet another Halloween. This year, Sydney recycled his Mario costume from a year ago, while Casey was a ninja. We visited Legoland for their annual Brick-or-Treat event. We basically ran all thru Legoland at night, going to the different trick-or-treat stations they had set up. Many people opted to go on the rides and the attractions, but since we have annual passes, we saved all that for another visit.

Halloween night, we went trick-or-treating in the Hickory neighborhood. This year, Sydney often took the initiative and was first to the door. Big brother Casey was considerate enough to let Sydney lead some of the time. Sydney tapped out first, so Daddy and Sydney walked home together; Sydney was all excited to hand out candy to our visitors.. Alas, by the time we got home, we got ZERO visitors.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

July 4th

This past summer, we were turned on to a local tradition that apparently has been going on for generations. A neighborhood has been hosting a July 4th block party for decades. We were invited to participate by some friends who live on the block. Super organized, they had games for all ages. Da Boys participation started in the 5 yr old foot race. Definitely not the competitive type, Sydney was initially apprehensive, but with some Daddy coaxing, he agreed to participate. He placed 3rd, and was rewarded with a ribbon and a place on the podium. Next up was Casey in the 7 yr old foot race. His 'heat' was stacked with a bunch of his good school buddies. Casey was disappointed with his 4th place finish, but 4th place did earn him 'Honorable Mention'.. Lastly, in the foot race, open/ adult division, (there was no senior division, I checked).. Daddy ran... and got smoked by the dog, the teenagers and just about everyone else who ran the race. Definitely no podiums, ribbons or honorable mentions for Daddy..

Next up was the donut eating contest. The rules were simple. They hung a donut from a string. You could NOT use your hands. First one to finish donut wins. Our little donut lover, Sydney took 1st place. The rest of the family got DNF's because our donuts broke and fell on the floor.

Next was the water bucket relay race.

July 4th, 2016 from p wang on Vimeo.

July 4th, 2016 from p wang on Vimeo.

The last event we participated in was the water balloon toss. Prior to the event, we all got a great illustration of how Sydney's mind works. Having already won 3rd place (foot race) and 1st place, (donut eating), his goal for the final event was a 2nd place finish... So he could have one of each ribbon. Had he won 1st place, I have no doubt he would have gladly traded, or even forfeited into 2nd place. That's our sensitive, sweet Sydney...

Such a cool event, we're so thankful we were included. Da Boys (and us) were surrounded with friends, and good times and great memories!!

Sunday, September 18, 2016


Another educational experience of parenting... Da Wang household recently experienced pinworms.. We first heard about this from the pediatrician a few months ago. Didn't know if it was an urban myth, a scare tactic.. I can now most definitely say "Nope, it's real".

For those of you non-doctors out there, I'll give a layman's description of pinworms. They are tiny little white worms that craw around in your anus. There aren't a lot of obvious symptoms, except for itchy-butt. Now, I know this is very real, and not at all a myth... because, I saw actual worms, in a actual anus, with my own two eyes... Without naming names, let's just say one of Da Boys was complaining about butt-itchies, and recalling the conversation with the Dr., Mommy decided to check. Then, said Boy wanted to see for himself, so we spread his backside open and videoed the crawling worms...

Good news is that they sell over the counter medicines to combat this. We rushed out to buy the medication, (the whole family is supposed to take the meds). So, I swigged the entire dosage... and about 10 minutes later ran to the bathroom. I'm not sure how the medicine is supposed to work, but I have a good guess... My diarrhea came out with such force, nothing in its path could have clinged to the anus and survived. It was like a torrential mudslide. I suppose that's one way to get rid of pinworms...

I'll spare the viewers of this blog the video and the photos... Lucky you.

That Time of Year Again

It's that time of year again. Sept. Which means back to school. This year is special, because Da Boys are going to the same school, Hickory Elem. Sydney is starting kindergarten, while Casey is now in 2nd grade. On the walk to school on day one, I asked Sydney how he felt about going to kindergarten. He told me he was a little scared, but now he's not scared anymore and he's excited to go. After he got home from his first day, I asked him how his first day of school went, and what did he do.. His response? "I dont rememeber".. Typical...

Flashback to last year, when Casey started 1st grade. CLICK HERE.

Flashback to last year, when Syndey started his last year of preschool. CLICK HERE.

Flashback to 2 years ago, when Casey started kindergarten, exactly what Sydney is currently doing. CLICK HERE.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Santee Lakes

Within the last few years, Santee Lakes was one of Ye-Ye's favorite place to go and chill. He enjoyed watching the ducks, feeding the ducks and watching Da Boys play on the playground. So, when our friends Daryl and Andy suggested a camping trip to Santee Lakes, we jumped on it. We rented all three 'floating cabins'; air conditioned cabins with kitchens and bathrooms that floated on the dock of the lake. All six boys, from all three families went. We all had an absolute blast. Daryl and Shirley showed Casey how to fish. Bright and early Saturday morning, the first words out of Casey's mouth were, 'I want to go fishing'! We took the paddle boats out on the lake, fed ducks, fished off the docks, made smores in the firepit, played in the pool and rode bikes. Nai-Nai got to join us for dinner on Saturday night.

When you are at the cabins, overlooking the lake, it is very relaxing, it feels like you are far away from civilization. Funny thing is, once you drive out the front gate, you are smack in the middle of Santee, 5 minutes from multiple grocery stores, or about ten minutes from Nai-Nai's house. Best of both worlds indeed.

Shirley Showing Da Boys How To Fish
Casey and Sydney on the Dock
Mommy and Sydney
Casey's First Fishing License
Nai-Nai and Sydney
Casey Fishing
Sydney Fishing
Da Boys Just Chillin
Dinner Time!
On the Paddleboat, Feeding Ducks
Group Pic

Friday, August 5, 2016

Another Goodbye

Its been a rough year for Da Boys. Good buddies Paolo and Gian moved to Seattle; cousins Jonathan and Samantha moved to Oklahoma, and now... Allison and Conner moved to Florida. Allison and Casey go WAAAAY back... well about as WAAAAY back as 7 yr olds can. Conner and Sydney were babysat together in their early days. Da Boys will miss their good buddies...

Casey and Allison Circa 2012
Then and Now
Goodbye Dinner

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Seattle, 2016

For our summer trip, we decided to surprise Da Boys. Their buddies, Gian and Paolo moved to Seattle, Wash in the spring. There were times, that Casey would really miss his friend Paolo. In fact, the day after we booked the tickets to Seattle, Casey had a school assignment in which he wrote what he wanted to do during summer break. He wrote, "goto Seattle to visit Paolo, goto pool, beach and play video games" Just so you know, if you rank up there with video games, you are an important part of his life!! We kept the destination secret, only telling Da Boys that we were going on an adventure. It wasn't until we were in the boarding area at the airport and the airlines announced the flight departure information did Casey learn we were going to Seattle.

When we arrived in Seattle, we were greeted with one typical wet, dreary day... followed up absolutely gorgeous, sunny days! Our hosts showed us around the area; we hit the tourist highlights, such as the Space Needle, Pike Place Market, Alki Beach and Snoqualmie Falls. And of course, Da Boys had plenty of time to catch up with their buddies, Gian and Paolo.

Da Fam by a pretty Seattle lake
Sydney all smiles trying the big boy slide
Sydney and Gian by the Space Needle
Da Boys by the Space Needle
Family picture atop the Space Needle
The whole gang stop the Space Needle
Bubble Gum Alley... NASTY
Snoqualmie Falls

Monday, April 18, 2016

School Award

We recently got an email from Casey's school. In my experience, any contact from a kids school is rarely good. Anyone who has fielded a telephone call from the school nurse can remember that knot in your stomach and your heart skipping a beat while you wait for the nurse to tell you what happened to your child. Similarly, it's pretty rare a teacher will call or email just to say , " Just wanted to tell you little Jonny is such a treat to have in class". Face it, more often than not, contact from the school means bad news.. Or maybe that's just my childhood experiences scaring me.. Anyhow, back to the recent email from Casey's 1st grade teacher. It informed us that Casey won an award, and was being honored at the school assembly the next day. We quickly shuffled our schedules so we could attend.

Enjoying the School Assembly

Beaming with Pride

Award Winner Group Shot

Award Details

Award Details

He won an award for his outstanding effort and research on his animal habitat report. And an award for excellent work on his King Cobra report- including awesome details and outstanding illustrations and handwriting.

Congrats to Casey, we are very proud of you!!