Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Sydney's First Track Meet

In May of 2017, Sydney competed in his first track meet. He had been going as a spectator for two years, but finally became eligible to compete in the Kindergarten division. He competed in three events. The 100 meter dash, the long jump and the 50 meter dash. His first race was the 100m. He ran an effortless race. Some athletes make it look easy, like they are not exerting too much energy, not trying very hard. Sydney looked like he was out for a Sunday stroll, without much sense of urgency. He finished in 19.18 seconds, which is a great time for his first 100 ever. His second event was the long jump. Again, he cruised through it, seemingly without exerting much effort. His best jump was 4'8". When it came time to announce the medalists, Sydney crowded around with anticipation. This is the first I realized he WAS motivated to win a medal... In his final event of the day, the 50m; something clicked. He ran with a purpose!! The focus and intensity was definitely there! He ran a great race, and as he passed the finish line, he was SO excited, claiming "I won in 3rd place" Alas, he was edged out for 3rd place, and finished in 4th, barely out of the medals.

Preparing for his first event ever
Action Shot: 100M Dash
Long Jump Approach
Long Jump

Sydney's First Track Meet: Long Jump from p wang on Vimeo.

Sydney's 1st Track Meet from p wang on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

For Mother's Day 2017, Da Wang boys made gifts for Mommy and Nai Nai. It was an adventure... Trying to make concrete garden stepping stones for the first time. The idea was to celebrate Mother's Day while simultaneously commemorating the 3201 Onrado house. Daddy and Da Boys snuck over to the Onrado house and mixed the cement and poured it into the mold. It hardened to the point where Da Boys could add stones and personalize it. Mommy's read: I love you. You're the best XOXO. Love, Casey and Sydney.

Da Boys repeated the process for Nai Nai's stone. This time, instead of handwriting the messages, they used stencils. It read, "Thank you, Nai Nai and Yeh Yeh" . It was a way to thank them for all the help and support and to have a little piece of them in our new house.

Da Boys Making Garden Stones
Mommy's Garden Stone
Presenting Nai Nai with her Stone