Recently, we had a family outing. Yes, it happened to coincide with one of the hottest days Los Angeles has EVER seen. And, instead of heading west, toward the beach, we ventured inland; toward the heat. We started at a carnival, and these giant spinning Strawberries caught Casey's attention. He kept staring at this ride. So, I decided to take one for the team and ride with him on it. (For those of you who
dont know, I
dont do well with
rollercoaster and carnival rides.) But, this is all about Casey, so I figured 'how bad could it be'.. Yeah well, famous last words. Casey seemed to enjoy the ride just fine, but my stomach
didnt feel so good.

But the most memorable aspect of the day was the heat. Was it ever hot. But then, I had an idea. FOUNTAIN!!! Yeah, who cares if its a public water fountain. It was hot, and we are, err, he is a kid.
At first, he was a little hesitant.
But after just a little
encouragment, he was having the time of his life. His smile that day was PRICELESS! It is perhaps the happiest we have ever seen him. And I gotta tell you, there is something
undescribable about witnessing your child's unbridled happiness!

Good thing mommy always tries to carry a spare set of clothes for Casey. Perfect for those days when my boys decide to run through a fountain. Too bad daddy had to fend for himself.