A classic car has been passed down in Da Wang family for a few years. Initially, Nai-Nai bought this Pink Cadillac brand new from the dealer for Chantal and Elena. Recently, Da Cousins decided to pass it to Da Boys. It came home and Da Boys were anxious to drive it. But the battery was dead, and needed a charge. With all the electric cars these days, that phrase doesn't sound so odd. But this pure electric vehicle was ahead of its time! Once it was charged, Da Boys took turns driving it, and riding shotgun. As can be seen in the videos, Casey needs a little practice judging turning radius and reverse steering. Meanwhile, Sydney... Let's just say he seems to have inherited the Wang family gene that causes stop and go/lurching driving...
Does it look like Casey is very scared of Sydney's driving? I've been told many passengers have this same expression when Casey's dad is driving too..
Sydney Caddy from p wang on Vimeo.
casey caddy from p wang on Vimeo.
hey have you figured out how to use the radio in the cadillac yet? it can get pretty loud and is fairly good at annoying other people who don't like the same music :)
ReplyDelete-cousin chantal